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Glacial® Rx

Reset better skin from within

Glacial® Rx is a revolutionary skin treatment that utilizes precision cooling to combat inflammation and rejuvenate your skin from within. 

As the first and only CryoAesthetics™ solution of its kind, Glacial® Rx offers a unique approach to skincare. Clinical studies have shown that some patients have noticeable skin improvements after just one treatment session.

How Does It Work?

  • Precision Cooling: Glacial® Rx employs powerful cooling technology to target inflammation in the skin. By precisely controlling the temperature and duration of treatment, it effectively calms irritated skin and promotes a healthier complexion.
  • Customizable Treatment: With three distinct modalities, Glacial® Rx allows us to tailor treatment plans to each patient’s specific needs. Whether addressing redness, sensitivity, or other skin concerns, Glacial® Rx adapts to individual biology.

Glacial® Rx significantly reduces skin inflammation, making it ideal for conditions like rosacea, acne, and post-procedure sensitivity.

By resetting the skin from within, Glacial® Rx helps reveal a more radiant and youthful complexion!

A close up of a woman 's face with freckles before Glacial RX
A close up of a woman 's face with clearer skin  Glacial RX
A close up of a woman 's face with her eyes closed and red cheeks  before Glacial RX
A close up of a woman 's face with her eyes closed and healthier skin after  Glacial RX
A close up of a woman 's face with her eyes closed before  Glacial RX
Refreshed and rejuvenated skin after  Glacial RX
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